Monday, September 28, 2015

An Exceptionally over-levered Exception

The Rape Exception

Mark30339 3 days ago
"The journalist Helena Smith wrote the story of a woman named Mirveta, who gave birth to a child conceived in rape in Kosovo. Mirveta was twenty years old, and illiterate; her husband had abandoned her because of the pregnancy. “He was a healthy little boy and Mirveta had produced him,” Smith writes. “But birth, the fifth in her short lifetime, had not brought joy, only dread. As he was pulled from her loins, as the nurses at Kosovo’s British-administered university hospital handed her the baby, as the young Albanian mother took the child, she prepared to do the deed. She cradled him to her chest, she looked into her boy’s eyes, she stroked his face, and she snapped his neck. They say it was a fairly clean business. Mirveta had used her bare hands. It is said that, in tears, she handed her baby back to the nurses, holding his snapped, limp neck. In Pristina, in her psychiatric detention cell, she has been weeping ever since.” The aid worker taking care of Mirveta said, 'Who knows? She may have looked into the baby’s face and seen the eyes of the Serb who raped her. She is a victim, too. Psychologically raped a second time.'” From

Elise Cooper asserts that giving the neck-snapping chore to an abortionist is a tidy way to resolve the matter for all concerned. How wonderful that a living child is not around to constantly remind mother, family and society of the horror that conceived the life in the first place. Aren't we all just dripping with monumental levels of denial and delusion? This solution snuffs out an innocent life for the convenience of everyone BUT the mother. The mother now carries 2 horrors, the first being a victim of force, and the second being forced to become a victimizer for the sake of a society that really doesn't want to carry on with the truth. Yet the mother carries the burden of both truths in crippling isolation. And we carry on believing we have a noble society. How noble it is to allow this "except in the case of rape and incest" to grease the slippery slope into pridefully legalizing reproductive "rights." How noble it is to quietly suppress the truth about how we allow millions of innocent lives to be snuffed out every year.


Mark30339 Mark30339 3 days ago

There is no doubt that carrying a pregnancy due to sexual assault is a daunting prospect. Why not envision a society that lifts up that mother with support and affirmation of both lives, a society that can separate the shame of the rapist from the dignity of the mother and the dignity of the child, and a society that has family and neighbors ready to step in to love the child and even arrange adoption of the child that may be difficult for a wounded mother to love.