Thursday, June 18, 2009

Left-Leaning Catholics Stir Debate

comment to: Left-Leaning Catholics Stir Debate | The Moderate Voice4 Oct 2008 by JOE WINDISH, Technology Editor

Thankfully, the bishops set their priorities independently of Stockboy and continuum -- who, by the way, have no authority to speak for anyone but themselves. The unborn remain the most utterly defenseless -- no one can justify the brutality done to them. Suggesting that those withchild have a duty of care to that child until birth is strangely offensive to those who would give priorty to defending the evils of the Saddam regime against the aggression of America and its allies. The bishops have chosen to speak with clarity about love for the unborn, and have instructed Catholics to give that matter priority.

The Other Side of Genocide

Comment to: The American Spectator : The Other Side of Genocide5 Dec 2008 by Paul Chesser

Mark30339| 12.5.08 @ 8:25AM

Concern over genocide, slavery and child abuse are pale in comparison to the world wide kumbaya on protecting whales and ivory tusks. Delusion reigns.

The Party of Rush

Comment to Pajamas Media » The Party of Rush6 Mar 2009 by Rick Moran


My favorite line from this dust-up is a comment on your own blog Rick (and perhaps you should start the queue):

“What we really need is a convenient, web based way to make it easier for Republicans to apologize to Rush.” (Chuck Tucson 3/3/09 3:39 pm)

What puzzles me Rick is why you dabble at radio and media for punditry purposes, and then you audaciously dismiss Rush as someone not taken “seriously as a conservative leader and pundit outside of his fan base.” By all means, set up your points of disagreement — but render judgment on his importance? You should be so lucky as to have Rush even notice and dismiss your efforts.

Mar 6, 2009 - 9:39 am

Marriage: A Hill to Die On

comment to: The American Spectator : Marriage: A Hill to Die On 6 Apr 2009 by Robert Stacy McCain

Mark30339| 4.5.09 @ 12:05PM

Can we shrug with Atlas and JohnGalt en masse to Quebec and achieve secession there? or maybe Upper Peninsula Michigan? or can the Republic of Texas be re-instituted? or perhaps territory in northern Mexico can be bought?
How do you undo rule by judiciary? They kidnapped children to their insane buses to integrate schools. They empowered mothers to abort, such that today's youth, the unaborted, live with an innate cynicism born of survivor's guilt in a culture of baby kill roulette (a virtual army of Deer Hunter Christopher Walkens predisposed to nihilism). They favored internet pornographers when legislatures blocked their reach to children. And now, the culture's signal that a mother and father are presumed and preferred to be bonded by marriage, a key inspiration for children, is judicially swept away.
This battle was lost a generation ago and its offspring are coming to the fore in an age that self-deludes from critical thinking. We live by wishful thinking and choose leaders by semantics instead of substance. The ineptness is so palpable and cascading, is it not best to start building the John Galt enclave now?