Discussion on
National Review Online
Trigonometry Is Racist!
Then Came Dave

Justice Department says no to ‘strip down’ of tax lien in Chapter 13

Great discussion. SCOTUS shot down Ryan's petition on March 24, 2014.
Brandeis U. Decides Against Honor for Islam Critic
For Those of You Who Always Suspected Me of Being a RINO...

"What I believe we should do is the same thing the House of Representatives did, the same thing the House courageously did, which was last Friday the House of Representatives voted to fund every aspect of the Federal Government--every bit of it, including parts they disagree with--except for ObamaCare."
Cruz was using his filibuster to fully encourage the House posture. The Cruz apologists seem to agree that shutdown was a mistake, they just want to be in denial about Ted's endorsement for the disastrous House tactics. The left wanted a shutdown, the dominant media was ready to blame the GOP, and the GOP needed to avoid reinforcing the perception that it is a spiteful shutdown party. Cruz and his supporters would be more credible if they owned this blunder.
That Scandalous Archbishop