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Pacifism and the Bin Laden Killing
Mark30339| 5.17.11 @ 4:17PM
Christ centered non-violent confrontation is still CONFRONTATION. The first non-violent response to 9/11 should have been a conversion to natural gas fuel and an end to significant US oil imports, thereby collapsing the market that feeds terror. Another would be to intensify exposure of state terror on its own citizens with air-drops of twitter ready devices and wifi band boosts along borders. Another would be firm US support for opposition groups committed to non-violent confrontation via worker strikes, civil disobedience and general non-cooperation. Instead we marched into wars that have led to at least 150,000 deaths so as to compensate for 3,000 killed in America. Americans show no appreciation for the hugely disproportionate pain we caused in reaction to our own pain. It is precisely these kinds of death multipliers that Christ is calling us to stop, for Christ's sake.Leaders of Christian nations have concluded in the past (and no doubt will continue to conclude in the future) that it is a necessary evil to deploy deadly force to carry out objectives -- and in such events, Christians should see the deployments as a serious human failing, and express regret for the resulting bloodshed -- even if Christians concur on the necessity of the deadly force. Recently, intelligence handed America a trump card for turning the world away from war and toward peace; orders should have been given to take Bin Laden alive AT ALL COSTS and to detain him at Guantanamo for the remainder of his natural life. Instead we proudly announced the use of kill squad tactics that no doubt are to be deployed ever more vigorously by our friends and enemies alike. The seeds we have sewn with this act not only set us back as Christians, they set back all of humanity.
simon templar| 5.17.11 @ 6:09PM
Once in a while someone writes a comment out here that is such a load of ignorant, twisted, pious sounding, inaccurate, propagandistic crap that you really just do not know where to begin. Yours Mark00000 is such.For the sake and respect for truth I am going to only address two of your statements.
The first:
Recently, intelligence handed America a trump card for turning the world away from war and toward peace; orders should have been given to take Bin Laden alive AT ALL COSTS and to detain him at Guantanamo for the remainder of his natural life.
So, keeping Bin Laden alive would have turned the world to peace? That is beyond sophmoric....perhaps a sign of serious immaturity or perhaps mental illness...definitely intellectual dishonesty.
Americans show no appreciation for the hugely disproportionate pain we caused in reaction to our own pain.
Really. You were in a coma when for the last century whereby we not only financed out of our treasury the rebuilding, feeding, and clothing of all of Europe through the Marshall Plan of an enemy that really did not deserve a damn dime. The financial investment and aid given to multiple enemie countries and countries in civil war from Vietnam to Korea to Japan just seemed to pass right by you. The millions of refugees from conflicts all over the world welcomed to our shores and taken care of by our nation. The nation rebuilding and financing of Iraq and Afghanistan out of our treasury to the point of bankruptcy. The billions of aid to countries that would soon as spit in our eye if we were in trouble seemed to escape your notice. Yeah, we are SOB's. You are a sick M.F. Guess what abbreviation that is...if you are so ashamed of and hate your country to this level of delusion then I suggest you pack it up and find the utopia you are looking for.
Now, as far as the Christ thing. Please do not use his name or anyone else. It is sickening that you freaking liberal trolls and lefties love to trot out the Christ on these issues while the rest of the week he is sitting in a jar of urine.
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