Fair warning. The Yale piece is a recruitment for sullen women accusers convinced that men have spoiled their world (or is
it just the white men?). The accusers are to lie in wait to twist any
moment, sophomoric or otherwise, into evidence of male evil.* And
just witnessing the event with their evolved perception bestows an
accusing power that justifies lifelong ruin for the male involved.
Welcome gentlemen to the emerging female utopia, this is their new sense
of joy and order. But we'll be better men, and with patience, we'll
seek out better women.
Incidentally, the Patriarchy's traditional answer to the question of meeting women properly is HERE.
* Note: current accusations against Va. Lt. Gov. Fairfax are not trivial, but declarations that the accounts are conclusively true -- after letting 13 or more years pass without pressing the claims -- are unwarranted. The claims need to be submitted under oath, subjected to cross exam and presented under rules of evidence; these protections don't just serve Fairfax, they serve his wife & children and the million plus citizens who voted for him.

Isis Davis-Marks
Yalies, if you see this Jonathan Edwards senior looking at you and fingering her smart phone, be careful what you do or say. She’s making a list, and checking it twice, and if you are ever nominated for an important political job requiring Senate confirmation, decades down the road, she may be gunning for you.
Yale Daily News:
10 FEB 2019
Yale Daily News Editorialist Urges Students to Spy on Schoolmates in Order to Ruin Careers in Later Years

Isis Davis-Marks
Yalies, if you see this Jonathan Edwards senior looking at you and fingering her smart phone, be careful what you do or say. She’s making a list, and checking it twice, and if you are ever nominated for an important political job requiring Senate confirmation, decades down the road, she may be gunning for you.
Yale Daily News:
Everyone knows a white boy with shiny brown hair and a saccharine smile that conceals his great ambitions. He could be in Grand Strategy or the Yale Political Union. Maybe he’s the editor-in-chief of the News. He takes his classes. He networks. And, when it comes time for graduation, he wins all the awards.RTWT
One day, I’ll turn on the television — or, who knows, maybe televisions will be obsolete by this point — and I’ll see him sitting down for his Senate confirmation hearing. Yes, he’ll be a bit older, with tiny wrinkles sprouting at the corners of his eyes and a couple of gray hairs jutting out of the top of his widow’s peak. But that smile, that characteristic saccharine smile, will remain the same.
When I’m watching the white boy — who is now a white man by this point — on CNN, I’ll remember a racist remark that he said, an unintentional utterance that he made when he had one drink too many at a frat party during sophomore year. I’ll recall a message that he accidentally left open on a computer when he forgot to log out of iMessage, where he likened a woman’s body to a particularly large animal. I’ll kick myself for forgetting to screenshot the evidence.
And, when I’m watching him smile that smile, I’ll think that I could have stopped it. …
This problem begins far before our classmates graduate, and we need to call them out on their transgressions — boldly and publicly. … We should make instances of sexual assault and harassment public knowledge. Whisper networks, which are known as private chains of information which pass along knowledge of sexual assault, are useful, but insufficient in spreading information about indiscretions.
I think that we need to continue to call our classmates out, but it’s still not enough. After all, it wasn’t enough to stop Kavanaugh’s confirmation.
To be honest, I’m not sure what the solution is. This expands beyond vocalizing problems about sexual assault: The core of this problem has to do with our values. The problem isn’t just the Yale administration; it’s Yale students. We allow things to skate by. We forget. We say, “No, he couldn’t have done that,” or, “But he’s so nice.” No questions are asked when our friends accept job offers from companies that manufacture weapons or contribute to gentrification in cities. We merely smile at them and wave as we walk across our residential college courtyards and do nothing. Thirty years later, we kick ourselves when it’s too late.
But I can’t do that anymore — I can’t let things slip by. I’m watching you, white boy. And this time, I’m taking the screenshot.